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Wonder Ball Raffle Baskets

Raffle Baskets are SO MUCH MORE than just baskets! Each grade level will head up a basket that fits this year's Wonder Ball theme: the Funhouse! We would love participation from each parent on this endeavor. Grade-level representatives will send out information related to their baskets, and they welcome either donations of items specifically geared towards the basket theme OR cash/check (made out to the basket coordinator) to be used toward the purchase of items for their basket.  

In the past we've had iPads, vacation getaways, plane tickets, gift certificates, tickets to sporting events, kayaks, fire pits, top shelf liquor, gourmet cooking gear, etc. During the auction, ANCS teachers-in-disguise will sell raffle tickets for $5 each for each individual basket. You can buy as many raffle tickets as you like for each basket. This is where the fun really begins. Cover your ears ... there is lots of cash waving and noise while the teachers sell the raffle tickets.   

Funhouse Raffle Basket Themes

          Kindergarten:     AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE          

          1st grade:          ON THE BOARDWALK             

          2nd grade:         WHEEL OF FIRE

          3rd grade:          CARNIVALE!

          4th grade:          A NIGHT UNDER THE STARS

          5th grade:          LIBATIONS AND EXPECTATIONS

          Middle Campus (2 baskets):    GET YOUR THRILLS!

                                                          &        UNDER THE BIGTOP


THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! NOTE: "Baskets" are considered our school community's donation toward the event. Please do not ask for donations of basket items from local businesses as the auction committee solicits many businesses for the event as a whole.

If you have a donation, questions, or would like to volunteer to work on your grade's basket, please contact this year's raffle basket coordinators, Kelley Klein and Lori Howard. Thank you! 

No Packages in Catalog 2017 ANCS Auction Raffle Baskets for the Wonder Ball Fun House!
2017 ANCS Auction Raffle Baskets for the Wonder Ball Fun House!